Tripati Lab
Our Publications
Published work
*indicates student or postdoctoral advisee. Underline indicates I am a corresponding author.
56. Tripati, A., Hill, P.*, Eagle, R., Mosenfelder, J., Tang, J.*, Schauble, E., Eiler, J., Zeebe, R., Uchikawa, J., Coplen, T., Henry, D.*, Ries, J., 2015 (in press), Beyond temperature: Clumped isotope signatures in dissolved inorganic carbon species and the influence of solution chemistry on carbonate mineral composition, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
55. Dalinana, R.*, Lim, D., Petryshyn, V.*, Braverman, A., Tripati, A., 2015 (in press), A method for determining if there are common environmental characteristics to microbialite-bearing aquatic systems, Biogeosciences Discussions.
54. Abbott, A., Haley, B., Tripati, A., Frank, M., 2015, Constraints on ocean circulation at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum from neodymium isotopes, Climate of the Past Discussions, 11, 2557-2583.
53. Loyd, S.*, Corsetti, F., Eagle, R., Hagadorn, J., Shen, Y., Zhang, X., Bonifacie, M., Tripati, A., 2015 (in press), Evolution of Neoproterozoic Wonoka-Shuram Anomaly-aged carbonates: evidence from clumped isotope paleothermometry, Precambrian Research.
52. Horton, T., Defliese, W.*, Tripati, A., Oze, C., 2015 (in press), Evaporation-induced 18O and 13C enrichment in lake systems: a global perspective on hydrologic balance effects on terrestrial stable isotope proxy records, Quaternary Science Reviews.
51. Rabineau, M., Cloetingh, S., Kuroda, J., Aslanian, D., Droxler, A., Gorini, C., Garcia-Castellanos, D., Moscariellio, A., Hello, Y., Burov, E. Sierro, F., Lirer, F. Roure, F., Pezard, P.A. Matenco, L., Mart, Y. Camerlenghi, A., Tripati, A., and the GOLD and DREAM Working Groups, 2015 (in press), Probing connections between deep earth and surface processes in a land-locked ocean basin transformed into a giant saline basin: the Mediterranean DREAM-GOLD project, Marine and Petroleum Geology.
50. Petryshyn, V.*, Lim, D., Brady, A., Slater, G., Laval, B., and Tripati A., 2015, Reconstruction of hydrology from microbialites using carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometer, Geobiology, 13, 53-67.
49. Loyd, S.*, Dickson, J., Boles, J., and Tripati, A., 2014, Clumped isotope constraints on cement paragenesis in septarian concretions, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84, 1170-1184.
48. Antibus, J., Panter, K., Wilch, T., Dunbar, N., McIntosh, W., Tripati A., Blusztajn, J., and Bindeman, I., 2014, Alteration of volcaniclastic deposits at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: geochemical insights on mineralizing environment and climate during the Late Miocene, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi: 10.1002/2014GC005422.
47. Frantz, C., Petryshyn, V.*, Marenco, P., Tripati A., Berelson, W., and Corsetti, F., 2014, Dramatic local environmental change during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum detected using high-resolution analyses of Green River Formation stromatolites, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, \
46. Gabitov, R., Rollion-Bard, C., Tripati A., Sadekov, A., 2014, In situ study of boron content and δ11B fractionation between calcite and fluid at different crystal growth rates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
45. Tang, J.*, Dietzel, M., Fernandez, A., Tripati, A., Rosenheim, B., 2014, Evaluation of kinetic effects on clumped isotope fractionation during inorganic calcite precipitation, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 134, 120-136.
44. Tripati, A., Sahany, S., Pittman, D.*, Eagle, R., Neelin, D., Mitchell, J., Beaufort, L., 2014, Modern and glacial tropical snowlines controlled by sea surface temperature and atmospheric mixing, Nature Geoscience, 7, 205-209.
43. Loyd, S.*, Dickson, J.A.D., Scholle, P., Tripati, A., 2013, Extensive, uplift-related and non-fault-controlled spar precipitation in the Permian Capitan Formation, Sedimentary Geology, 298, 17-27.
42. Ferguson, J.E., Johnson, K.R., Santos, G., Meyer, L., Tripati, A., 2013, Investigating 13C and ∆14C within Mytilus californianus shells as proxies of upwelling intensity, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1002/ggge.20090, 6, 1856-1865.
41. Eagle, R., Eiler, J., Tripati, A., Ries, J., Freitas, P., Hiebenthal, C., Wanamaker Jr., A., Taviani, M., Elliot, M., Richardson, C., Marenssi, S., Nakamura, K.*, Ramirez, P., Roy, K., 2013, The influence of temperature and seawater carbonate saturation state on 13C-18O bond ordering in bivalve mollusks, Biogeosciences, 10, 4591-4606.
40. Hill, P.*, Tripati, A., Schauble, E., 2013, Theoretical constraints on the effects of pH, salinity, and temperature on clumped isotope signatures of dissolved inorganic carbon species and carbonate minerals, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, \, 125, 610-652.
39. Eagle, R., Risi, C., Mitchell, J., Neelin, D., Eiler, J., Seibt, U., Li., G., Tripati, A., 2013, High regional climate sensitivity over continental China inferred from glacial-recent changes in temperature and the hydrologic cycle, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 8813–8818.
38. Dawber, C.*, Tripati, A., 2012b, Exploring the controls on element ratios in Middle Eocene samples of the benthic foraminifera Oridorsalis umbonatus, Climate of the Past, doi:10.5194/cp-8-1957-2012.
37. Loyd S.*, Corsetti F., Eiler J., and Tripati A., 2012, Determining the diagenetic conditions of concretion formation: Assessing temperatures and pore-waters using clumped isotopes, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 82, 1006-1016.
36. Dawber, C.*, Tripati, A., 2012a, Relationship between bottom water carbonate saturation and X/Ca in core-top samples of the benthic foraminifera Oridorsalis umbonatus, Biogeosciences, 9, 3029-3045.
35. Blard, P.-H., Sylvestre, F., Tripati, A., Claude, C., Causse, C., Coudrain, A., Condom, T., Seidel, J.-L., Vimeux, F., Moreau, C., Dumoulin, J.-P., Lave, J., 2011, Lake highstands on the Altiplano (Tropical Andes) contemporaneous with Heinrich 1 and the Younger Dryas: new insights from 14C, U-Th dating, and d18O of carbonates, Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 3973-3989.
34. Tripati, A., Eagle, R., Roberts, C.*, Li, G., 2011, A 20 million year long record of foraminiferal B/Ca ratios: Systematics and uncertainties in pCO2 reconstructions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 2582-2610.
33. Roberts, C.*, LeGrande, A., Tripati, A., 2011, Sensitivity of seawater oxygen isotopes to climatic and tectonic boundary conditions in an early Paleogene simulation with GISS ModelE-R. Paleoceanography, doi:10.1029/2010PA002025.
32. Eagle, R., Tutken, T., Martin, T., Tripati, A., Fricke, H., Connely, M., Cifelli, R., Eiler, J., 2011, Dinosaur body temperatures determined from isotopic (¹³C-¹⁸O) ordering in fossil biominerals, Science, 333, 443-445.
31. Csank, A., Tripati, A., Patterson, W., Eagle, R., Rybczynski, N., Ballantyne, A., Eiler, J., 2011, Estimates of Arctic land surface temperatures during the Early Pliocene from two novel proxies, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304, 291-299.
30. Dawber, C.*, Tripati, A., 2011, Constraints on glaciation in the middle Eocene (46-37 Ma) from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1209 in the tropical Pacific Ocean, Paleoceanography, 26, doi:10.1029/2010PA002037.
29. Finnegan, S., Bergmann, K., Fischer, W., Jones, D., Fike, D., Tripati, A., Hughes, N., Eiler, J., 2011, Carbonate "clumped" isotopic constraints on the duration and magnitude of Late Ordovician-Early Silurian glaciation, Science, 331, 903-906.
28. Dawber, C.*, Tripati, A., Gale, A., MacNiocaill, C., Hesselbo, S., 2011, Glacioeustasy during the middle Eocene? Insights from the stratigraphy of the Hampshire Basin, UK, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 300, 84-100.
27. Elderfield, H., Greaves, M., Barker, S., Hall, I., Tripati, A., Ferretti, P., Booth, L., Daunt, C., 2010, A record of bottom water temperature and seawater d18O for the Southern Ocean over the past 440 kyr based on Mg/Ca of benthic foraminiferal Uvigerina spp., Quaternary Science Reviews, \doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.07.013.
26. Torfstein, A., Winckler, G., Tripati, A., 2010, Productivity feedback did not terminate the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Climate of the Past, 6, 265-272.
25. Eagle, R., Schauble, E., Tripati, A., Tutken, T., Hulbert, R., Eiler, J., 2010, Body temperature of modern and extinct vertebrates from 13C-18O bond abundances in bioapatite, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 10377-10382.
24. Tripati, A., Thiagarajan, N., Eagle, R., Gagnon, A., Bauch, H., Eiler, J., 2010, Apparent equilibrium 13C-18O isotope signatures and 'clumped isotope' thermometry in foraminifera and coccoliths, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 5697-5717.
23. Huntington, K., Eiler, J., Affek, H., Guo, W., Bonifacie, M., Yeung, L., Thiagarajan, N., Passey, B., Tripati, A., Daeron, M., Came, R., 2009, Methods and limitations of 'clumped' CO2 isotope (D47) analysis by gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, doi:10.1002/jms.1614.
22. Spielhagen, R., Tripati, A., 2009, Evidence for near-freezing temperatures and climate oscillations in the Arctic during the early Cenozoic, Paleogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology, 278, 48-56.
21. Roberts, C.*, LeGrande, A., Tripati, A., 2009, Climate sensitivity to Arctic seaway restriction during the early Paleogene, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 286, 576-585.
20. Tripati, A., Sampson, D., Allmon, W., 2009, Possible evidence for a large decrease in seawater Sr/Ca ratios and strontium concentrations during the Cenozoic, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 282, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.03.020.
19. Tripati, A., Roberts, C.*, Eagle, R., 2009, Coupling of CO2 and ice sheet stability over major climate transitions of the last 20 million years, Science, 326, 1394-1397.
18. Roberts, C.*, Tripati, A., 2009, Modelled reconstructions of the oceanic carbonate system for different histories of atmospheric carbon dioxide during the last 20 Ma, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23, doi: 10.1029/2008GB003310.
17. Tripati, A., Eagle, R., Morton, A., Dowdeswell, J., Atkinson, K.*, Bahe, Y.*, Dawber, C.*, Khadun, E.*, Shaw, R.*, Shorttle, O.*, Thanabalasundaram, L.*, 2008, Evidence for Northern Hemisphere glaciation back to 44 Ma from ice-rafted debris in the Greenland Sea, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.09.045.
16. Sime, N., De La Rocha, C., Tipper, E., Tripati, A., Galy, A., Elderfield, H. and Bickle, M., 2007, Interpreting the calcium isotopic composition of seawater through the Neogene and Quaternary, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3979-3989.
15. Paelike, H., Norris, R., Herrle, J., Wilson, P., Coxall, H., Lear, C., Shackleton, N., Tripati A., and Wade, B., 2006, The heartbeat of the Oligocene climate system, Science, 314, 1894-1898.
14. Tripati, A., Elderfield, H., Booth, L., Zachos, J., and Ferretti, P., 2006, High-resolution benthic foraminiferal stable isotope stratigraphy across the Oligocene-Miocene boundary at Site 1218, ODP Leg 199 Scientific Results.
13. Tripati, A. and Elderfield, H., 2005, Deep-Sea Temperature and Circulation Changes at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Science, 308(5729), 1894-1898.
12. Tripati, A., Backman, J., Elderfield, H., and Ferretti, P., 2005, Eocene bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle changes, Nature, 436, 341-346. See also, accompanying News and Views piece by Lee Kump (333-334 of same issue).
11. Lyle, M., Olivarez Lyle, A., Backman, J. and Tripati, A., 2005, Biogenic sedimentation in the Eocene equatorial Pacific: The stuttering greenhouse and Eocene carbonate compensation depth, ODP Leg 199 Scientific Results.
10. Tripati, A. and Elderfield, H., 2004, Abrupt hydrographic changes in the equatorial Pacific and subtropical Atlantic from foraminiferal Mg/Ca indicate greenhouse origins for the thermal maximum at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary, Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst., 5(2), doi:10.1029/2003GC000631. (Cited in IPCC 2007 report).
9. Tripati, A., Delaney, M.L., Zachos, J.C., Anderson, L.D., Kelly, D.C., and Elderfield, H., 2003, Tropical Sea-Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Early Paleogene Using Mg/Ca Ratios of Planktonic Foraminifera, Paleoceanography, 18(4), 1101, doi:10.1029/2003PA000937.
8. Nomura, R., Nishi, H., and Shipboard Science Party, 2003, Lithological changes across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, J. Geol. Soc. Japan, 108, 17-18.
7. Shipboard Science Party, 2003, Leg 199 investigates the “Greenhouse” Eocene in the tropical Pacific Ocean, JOIDES Journal, 29(1), 6-10.
6. Tripati, A. and Zachos, J.C., 2002, Late Eocene Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures: A Perspective from Panama, Paleoceanography, 17(3), p. 1032-1043, doi:10.1029/2000PA000605.
5. Shipboard Science Party, 2002, Leg 199 Initial Reports: Paleogene equatorial transect, ODP Leg 199 Initial Reports.
4. Quintin, L.L., Faul, K.L., Lear, C., Graham, D., Peng, C., Murray, R. and Shipboard Science Party, 2002, Geochemical analysis of bulk marine sediment by inductively-coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy onboard the JOIDES Resolution. ODP Leg 199 Initial Reports.
3. Tripati, A., Zachos, J.C., Marincovich Jr., L., and Bice, K., 2001, Late Paleocene Arctic Coastal Climate as Inferred from Molluscan Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Ratios, Palaeogeog., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 170, 101-113.
2. Tripati, A. and Zachos, J.C., 2000, Paleocene and Eocene Coastal Temperatures, GFF, 122, 171-172.
1. Paul, H., Zachos, J.C., Flower, B.P., and Tripati, A., 2000, Orbital Forcing of Climate Across the Oligocene-Miocene Boundary, Paleoceanography, 5, 471-485.
1. Tripati, A., Ramirez, P., 1994, Analysis of depositional processes in Cenozoic deep marine strata, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 149, Iberian Abyssal Plain, Second Annual Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (talk).
2. Rodriguez, S., Tripati, A., Ramirez, P., 1995, Turbidite and possible contourite deposition in deep-marine rocks and sediments, Iberian Abyssal Plain, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Annual Conference.
3. Tripati, A., Ramirez, P., 1995, Preliminary Analysis of Depositional Processes in Eocene to Recent Deep-Marine Rocks and Sediment, Iberian Abyssal Plain, California State University Statewide Research Competition (talk).
4. Tripati, A., Ramirez, P., 1995, Preliminary Analysis of Depositional Processes in Eocene to Recent Deep-Marine Rocks and Sediment, Iberia Abyssal Plain, Ninth Annual California Statewide Research Competition (finalist; talk).
5. Tripati, A., Reneau, S., Marusak, N., 1995, Modeling Topographic Potential for Erosion on Mesa Tops in Los Alamos Area Using Geographical Information Systems, Department of Energy Technical Review (talk).
6. Tripati, A., Ramirez, P., 1995, Origin and Occurrence of Laminations in Miocene and Pliocene Diatomaceous Strata, Santa Maria basin, California, Third Annual Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (poster).
7. Tripati, A., Reneau, S., Marusak, N., 1995, Modeling Topographic Potential for Erosion on Mesa Tops in Los Alamos Area Using Geographical Information Systems, Third Annual Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research (talk).
8. Tripati, A., Zachos, J., Bice, K., Marincovich Jr., L., 1997, High-Latitude Seasonal Variability During the Late Paleocene as Inferred from Mollusk Stable Isotope Profiles, Mount Moore Formation, Ellesmere Island, Canada, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
9. Zachos, J., Billups, K., Tripati, A., Flower, B., 1998, Evolution of the Oceanographic and Climatic Response to Orbital Forcing Across the Oligocene-Miocene Boundary, International Conference on Paleoceanography VI.
10. Tripati, A., Zachos, J., Bice, K,. Marincovich Jr., L., 1998, Early Paleogene Climate: A Molluscan Perspective, International Conference on Paleoceanography VI (poster).
11. Tripati, A., Zachos, J., 1999, Early Paleogene Coastal Temperatures, Early Paleogene Warm Climates and Biosphere Dynamics (talk).
12. Tripati, A. Zachos, J., 1999, Eocene Hot Tropics: A Perspective from Panama, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
13. Zachos, J., Flower, B., Paul, H., Tripati, A., 1999, Oceanographic and Climatic Response to Orbital Forcing During the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene (20-26 Ma), American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
14. Tripati, A. Zachos, J., 2000, Environmental Controls on Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Ratios in Aragonitic Shells of Turritellid Gastropods, Geological Society of American Annual Meeting (talk).
15. Tripati, A., Chapman, J. and Zachos, J., 2000, Development of a Mg/Ca-Temperature Calibration for Mytilus californianus, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Meeting (poster).
16. Tripati, A. Zachos, J., 2001, Environmental Controls on Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Ratios in Aragonitic Shells of Turritellid Gastropods, IGPP Annual Meeting (poster).
17. Tripati, A., Zachos, J., Chapman, J., 2001, Using Fossil Shells as Paleonenvironmental Indicators for the Central California Coast, IGPP Annual Meeting (poster).
18. Tripati, A., Zachos, J., Allmon, W., Schellenberg, S., 2001, Evolution of Seawater Strontium:Calcium Ratios During the Paleogene, Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene (talk).
19. Tripati, A., Lyle, M., Backman, J., Leg 199 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002, Middle Eocene Equatorial Pacific Paleoceanography: Insights From Bulk Sediment Geochemistry, ODP Site 1218, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
20. Tripati, A., Lyle, M., Backman, J., Leg 199 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2002, Middle Eocene Equatorial Pacific Paleoceanography: Insights From Bulk Sediment Geochemistry, ODP Site 1218, United Kingdom Ocean Drilling Program Meeting, (poster).
21. Greaves, M., Barker, S., Tripati, A., Elderfield, H., Hall, I., Pahnke, K., Zahn, R., 2004, New insights into inferring climate variability from records of planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca, δ18O and shell weight in the Southern Ocean, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
22. Tripati, A., Greaves, M., Elderfield, H., Hall, I., Barker, S., 2004, Sea-surface and deep-sea temperatures and seawater δ18O in the Southern Ocean over the last 440,000 years, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (oral).
23. Barker, S., Elderfield, H., Greaves, M., Tripati, A., 2004, A 1 Myr record of foraminiferal shell weight from the shallow North Atlantic: Record of global deep-sea carbonate saturation, Intern. Conf. on Paleoceanography 8.
24. Elderfield, H., Tripati, A., Lyle, M., Backman, J., Olivarez Lyle, A., Ferretti, P., 2004, Evidence for large and rapid changes in carbon storage and climate during the middle and late Eocene, Intern. Conf. on Paleoceanography 8.
25. Tripati, A., Partington, J., Elderfield, H., Scourse, J., Richardson, C., Forsythe, G., Harris, I., Fraser, N., Jones, P., Briffa, K., Heinemeier, J., 2004, Sr/Ca ratios in the aragonite shell of the long-lived clam Arctica islandica: their potential use in the reconstruction of seawater temperatures, Intern. Conf. on Paleoceanography 8.
26. Greaves, M., Barker, S., Bassinot, F., Daunt, C., Elderfield, H., Tripati, A., 2004, Towards an intercalibration standard for Mg/Ca determination in foraminiferal calcite, European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting.
27. Tripati, A., Richardson, C., Scourse, J., Elderfield, H., 2004, The potential use of Sr/Ca ratios in the aragonitic shell of the long-lived clam Arctica islandica: in the reconstruction of ocean temperatures, European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting.
28. Tripati, A., Booth, L., Daunt, C., Elderfield, H., 2004, Abrupt hydrographic changes in the equatorial Pacific and subtropical Atlantic from foraminiferal Mg/Ca indicate greenhouse, origin for the thermal maximum at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting.
29. Tripati, A., Elderfield, H., 2004, Insights on the dynamica of abrupt climate change from new proxy records, Comer Abrupt Climate Change Meeting (oral).
30. Piotrowski, A., Tripati, A., Elderfield, H., 2005, A method for isolating the effects of regeneration on nutrient-based ocean circulation proxies using Nd isotopes, Biogeochemical controls on proxies.
31. Tripati, A., Elderfield, H., 2005, The impact of changing deep-water carbonate ion on reconstructions of temperature and seawater oxygen isotope ratios, Biogeochemical controls on proxies.
32. Tripati, A., Backman, J., Elderfield, H. (invited), Ferretti, F., 2005, Evidence for bipolar glaciation during the Middle Eocene greenhouse interval, Palaeoclimate Change: High Latitudes and Ocean Circulation.
33. Paelike, H. et al. (including Tripati, A.), 2005, Equatorial Pacific stable isotopes 'reference curve' for the Oligocene, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
34. Piotrowski, A., Tripati, A., Elderfield, H., 2005, Isolating the effects of regeneration on nutrient-based ocean circulation proxies using Nd isotopes, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
35. Tripati, A. (invited), Elderfield, H., Wade, B., 2005, Constraints on Paleocene and Eocene tropical sea-surface temperatures and meridional temperature gradients from Mg/Ca and δ18O ratios of foraminifera from sediments recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, USA (oral).
36. Tripati, A. (invited), Backman, J., Elderfield, H., Ferretti, P., 2005, New results from ocean drilling on the greenhouse-icehouse climate transition: Evidence for bipolar glaciation during the Middle Eocene greenhouse interval, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (oral).
37. Tripati, A. (invited), Backman, J., Elderfield, H., Ferretti, P., Macintyre, H., 2006, New results from ocean drilling on the greenhouse-icehouse climate transition: Evidence for bipolar glaciation during the Middle Eocene greenhouse interval”, European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (oral).
38. Eldrett, J., Tripati, A., Harding, J., Roberts, A., Firth, J., 2006, The Eocene “ice-house” evidence for synchronous initiation of bipolar glaciation from the Greenland Basin, Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene.
39. Tripati, A., Eldrett, J., Backman, J., Harding, J., Roberts, A., Firth, J., Elderfield, H., 2006, New evidence for Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle changes, Climate and Biota of the Early Paleogene.
40. Tripati, A., Backman, J., Elderfield, H., 2006, Evidence for Middle Eocene bipolar glaciation associate with global carbon cycle changes, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Past achievements and future opportunities.
41. Tripati, A., Eldrett, J., Backman, J., Harding, J., Roberts, A., Elderfield, H., 2006, New evidence for Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle, Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes and Modeling (oral).
42. de la Rocha, C., Sime, N., Tipper, E., Tripati, A., Galy, A., Bickle, M., 2006, Modeling the Ca Cycle from the Calcium Isotopic Composition of Seawater through the Neogene and Quatermary American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
43. Tripati, A., Atkinson, K., Bahe, Y., Shorttle, O., 2006, Ice-rafted debris in Late Eocene to Early Oligocene sediments from the Greenland Sea, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
44. Tripati, A., (invited), Dawber, C., Backman, J., Eagle, R., Morton, A., Dowdeswell, J., Atkinson, K., Bahe, Y., Macintyre, H., Shaw, R., Elderfield, H., Shorttle, O., 2007, Evidence for Northern Hemisphere glaciation back to 44 Ma from ice-rafted debris in the Greenland Sea and deep Pacific δ18O ratios, European Geosciences Union (oral).
45. Dawber, C., Tripati, A., 2007, Early Cenozoic glaciation: exploring the paradigm of an ice-free Middle Eocene, Drilling to Decipher Sea Level Change Workshop (poster).
46. Tripati, A., Eiler, J., 2007, 'Clumped isotope' thermometry in benthic foraminifera: A new tool for the accurate reconstruction of deep-ocean temperatures and seawater δ18O, Drilling to Decipher Sea Level Change Workshop (poster).
47. Tripati, A., Dawber, C., Backman, J., Elderfield, H., 2007, Early Cenozoic sea level change: Insights from Pacific records of seawater δ18O, Drilling to Decipher Sea Level Change Workshop (poster).
48. Dawber, C., Tripati, A., Gale, A., Hesselbo, S., MacNiocaill, C., 2007, Paleogene sections on the Isle of Wight: A possible target for future drilling to investigate glacio-eustatic sea level changes across the “Greenhouse-Icehouse” transition?, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Sea Level Workshop.
49. Dawber, C., Tripati, A., 2007, Early Cenozoic glaciation: exploring the paradigm of an ice-free Middle Eocene, International Symposium on Antarctica in the Earth Sciences (poster).
50. Tripati, A., Dawber, C., Ferretti, P., Backman, J., Elderfield, H., Macintyre, H., 2007, Evidence for synchronous glaciation of Antarctica and the Northern Hemisphere during the Eocene and Oligocene: Insights from Pacific records of seawater δ18O”, International Symposium on Antarctica in the Earth Sciences (oral).
51. Blard, P.-H., Lave, J., Farley, K., Tripati, A., Eiler, J., Sylvestre, F., 2007, The late glacial paleoclimate of the central Altiplano constrained by cosmogenic 3He dating and 'clumped-isotope' paleothermometry, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
52. Shorttle, O., Tripati, A., Eagle, R., Dawber, C., Morton, A., Dowdeswell, J., Atkinson, K., Bahe, Y., Shaw, R., Thanabalasundaram, L., Khadun, E., 2007, Evidence for Northern Hemisphere glaciation back to 44 Ma from ice-rafted debris in the Greenland Sea, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
53. Dawber, C., Tripati, A., 2007, Evidence for Early Cenozoic glaciation from a record of seawater δ18O at ODP site 1209: Exploring the paradigm of an 'ice-free' Middle Eocene, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
54. Thiagarajan, N., Tripati, A., Eiler, J., 2007, Estimates of Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Temperature during the Pliocene from Carbonate 'Clumped Isotope' Thermometry, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
55. Eiler, J., Tripati, A., 2007, Clumped isotope' thermometry in benthic foraminifera and ostracods: A novel tool for reconstructing deep-ocean temperatures, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
56. Tripati, A., Thiagarajan, N., Eiler, J., 2007, Carbonate 'clumping isotope' thermometry in planktonic foraminifera and coccoliths, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
57. Tripati, A., Thiagarajan, N., Eiler, J., 2008, Equilibrium 13 C-18O isotope signatures and 'clumped isotope' thermometry in foraminifera, Goldschmidt Conference.
58. Sample, J., Tripati, A., Eiler, J., 2010, New Isotopic Measurements of Carbonate Minerals from the Cascadia Accretionary Prism Confirm Indications of Past Warm Fluid Flow and Reveal Complex Spatial Variations in Fluid Isotopic Patterns, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
59. Finnegan, S., Bergmann, K., Eiler, J., Jones, D., Fike, D., Eisenman, I., Hughes, N., Tripati, A., Fischer, W., 2010, Constraints on the duration and magnitude of Late Ordovician-Early Silurian glaciation and its relationship to the Late Ordovician mass extinction from carbonate “clumped” isotope paleothermometry, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
60. Ferguson, J., Johnson, K., Santos, G., Meyer, L., Acaylar, K., Tripati, A., 2010, 14C and d13C in Mytilus californianus shells as a proxy of upwelling intensity, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
61. Loyd, S., Corsetti, F., Tripati, A., 2010, Determining carbonate concretion formation temperatures and pore water d18O values using the clumped isotope approach, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (oral).
62. Sample, J., Tripati, A., 2010, Stable Isotope Constraints on Fluid Flow in the Cascadia Accretionary Prism: Evidence for Large Flow Transients during Recent Deformation, Goldschmidt Conference.
63. Loyd, S., Dickson, J., Hudson, J., Eiler, J., Tripati, A., 2011, Assessing cementation in the El Capitan Reef Complex and Lincolnshire Limestone using 13C-18O bond abundances in carbonates, Goldschmidt Conference (oral).
64. Loyd, S., Eiler, J., Tripati, A., 2011, Using clumped isotope compositions of microbially produced carbonate to track silica diagenesis in the Monterey Formation, 8th Annual Southern California Geobiology Symposium (poster).
65. Loyd, S. (invited), Berelson, W., Lyons, T., Hammond, D., Tripati, A., Corsetti, F., 2011, Formation mechanisms of carbonate concretions of the Monterey Formation, Colloquium on the Monterey Formation (oral).
66. Loyd, S., Dickson, J., Hudson, J., Eiler, J., Tripati, A., 2011, Assessing cementation in the El Capitan Reef Complex and Lincolnshire Limestone using 13C-18O bond abundances in carbonates, 2nd Annual Clumped Isotope Workshop (poster).
67. Eagle, R., Tripati, A., Eiler, J., Li, G., Shen, Y., Chen, J., 2011, Carbonate clumped isotope constraints on Glacial to Holovene temperature and precipitation changes over continental China, 2nd Annual Clumped Isotope Workshop (poster).
68. Ash, J., Cohen, A., Reiners, P., Dettman, D., Tripati, A., 2011, Ostracode trace metal geochemistry from Lake Tanganyika, Africa: Towards the development of a lacustrine paleothermometer, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
69. Hill, P., Tripati, A., Schauble, E., 2011, Factors Affecting the Clumped Isotope Signature of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Carbonate Minerals, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (poster).
70. Hill, P., Tripati, A., 2011, Use of Clumped Isotope Thermometry to Explore Ancient Hydrologic Cycles, NASA/Nordic Astrobiology Winter Workshop: Water and the Evolution of Life in the Cosmos (poster).
71. Ash, J., Cohen, A., Reiners, P., Dettman, D., Tripati, A., 2012, Ostracode trace metal geochemistry from Lake Tanganyika, Africa, CalPaleo.
72. Corsetti, F., Lyons, T., Hammond, D., Loyd, S., Berelson, W., Tripati, A., Eiler, J., 2012, Microbially induced carbonate precipitation: Preserving metabolic signatures in concretions of the Monterey Formation, Astrobiology Science Conference (oral)
.73. Corsetti, F., Tripati, A., Frantz, C., Petryshyn, V., Lund, S., Berelson, W., 2012, Magnetic susceptibility as a biosignature, Astrobiology Science Conference (oral).
74. Loyd, S., Berelson, W., Lyons, T., Hammond, D., Tripati, A., Eiler, J., Corsetti, F., 2012, Formation mechanisms of carbonate concretions of the Monterey Formation: Analyses of clumped isotopes, iron, sulfur and carbon, Goldschmidt Conference (oral).
75. Conchas, T., Nguyen, T., Tripati, A., Eagle, R., 2012, Using nano-computed tomographic imaging and 3D modeling to quantitatively observe the response of Mediterranean pteropods to ocean acidification, SACNAS National Conference.
76. Frantz, C., Petryshyn, V., Corsetti, F., Berelson, W., Marenco, P., Tripati, A., 2012, Local Environmental Change During the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum Detected Using Chemical Analyses of a Green River Formation (Lacustrine) Stromatolite, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (poster).
77. Tripati, A., Sample, J., 2012, Clumped isotope analyses of Cascadia margin carbonate cements and veins recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program constrain temperatures in the prism during subduction, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
78. Eagle, R., Risi, C., Mitchell, J., Eiler, J., Seibt, U., Neelin, J., Li, G., Tripati, A., 2012, High regional climate sensitivity over continental China and underlying dynamics constrained by carbonate clumped isotope reconstructions of glacial-recent changes in temperature and the hydrologic cycle, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
79. Miles, B., Loyd, S., Hudson, J., Dickson, J., Tripati, A., 2012, Tracking pore-water evolution through clumped isotope analyses of a septarian concretion, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
80. Pittman, D., Tripati, A., Sahany, S., Eagle, R., Neelin, J., Eiler, J., Mitchell, J., Beaufort, L., 2012, Clumped isotope temperatures and entrainment explain Glacial to Recent tropospheric structure over the West Pacific Warm Pool, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
81. Dawber, C., Tripati, A., 2012, Relationships between bottom water carbonate saturation and element/Ca ratios in coretop samples of the benthic foraminifera Oridorsalis umbonatus, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
82. Enriquez, M., Eagle, R., Eiler, J., Tripati, A., Ramirez, P., Loyd, S., Tutken, T., Chiappe, L., Norell, M., Montanari, S., 2012, Assessment of diagenetic alteration of dinosaur eggshells through petrography and geochemical analysis, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
83. Hill, P., Schauble, E., Tripati, A., 2012, Predicting 13C-18O clumped isotope fractionation in dissolved inorganic carbon and rapidly precipitated carbonate minerals, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
84. Conchas, T., Eagle, R., Eiler, J. Ries, J., Freitas, P., Hiebenthal, C., Wanamaker Jr., A., Tripati, A., 2012, Constraints on the factors controlling 13C-18O bond abundances in biologically precipitated carbonates from measurements of marine calcifiers cultured at variable temperature, pH, and salinity, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
85. Nguyen, T., Eagle, R., Courtney, T., Ries, J., Brillo, V., Rollion-Bard, C., Gabitov, R., Tripati, A., 2012, Li/Ca, B/Ca, and Mg/Ca content in sea urchin spines cultured at different temperatures and pCO2, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
86. Antibus, J., Panter, K., Wilch, T., Dunbar, N., McIntosh, W., Blusztajn, A., Tripati, A., Bindeman, I., 2012, A petrographic, geochemical and isotopic (O, H, C and Sr)..investigation of secondary minerals in volcaniclastic rocks at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: petrogenesis of alteration and implications for paleoenvironmental conditions, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
87. Dalinina, R., Lim, D., Braverman, A., Petryshyn, V., Tripati, A., 2012, Assessment of characteristics for microbialite aquatic systems around the world, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
88. Loyd, S., Sample, J., Orphan, V., Marlow, J., Eagle, R., Tripati, A., “Clumped isotope analyses of cold seep carbonates: Insights into formation environment and mechanisms, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
89. Tripati, A., Hill, P., Eagle, R., Schauble, E., Zeebe, R., Uchikawa, J., 2013, 13C-18O bond ordering and 18O/16O ratios in dissolved inorganic carbon species and their potential to be preserved in the solid phase, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
90. Tripati, A. (invited), Beerling, D., Bristow, T., Campbell, K., Catling, D., Reinhard, C., Rohrssen, M., Sample, J., 2013, From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (Union session: talk).
91. Mering, J., Oviatt, C., Petryshyn, V., Canet, J., Tripati, A., 2013, Constraining paleotemperature and water isotope signals at Lake Bonneville using carbonate clumped isotopes, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
92. Petryshyn, V., Lim, D., Laval, B., Tripati, A., 2013, Reconstruction of limnology and microbialite formation conditions from carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometry: A test case from Pavilion and Kelly Lakes, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (talk).
93. Loyd, S., Dickson, J., Hudson, J., Boles, J., Tripati, A., 2013, Cement paragenesis in septarian concretions: Evidence from clumped isotopes and microscopic examination, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
94. Kimball, J., Tripati, A., Dunbar, R., Eagle, R., 2013, 13C-18O bonding (D47) in deep-sea corals: a calibration study, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
95. Kowler, A., Tripati, A., 2013, Quantifying Regional Temperature Responses to Deglacial Climate Events through Application of Clumped Isotope Thermometry to Shell and Sedimentary Carbonates in Lake-Shoreline and Wetland Deposits in the Southern Basin and Range, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
96. Hancock, L., Lyons, T., Gill, B., Formolo, M., Shapiro, R., Loyd, S., Tripati, A., Bates, S., 2013, Reconstructing sulfur cycling at Cretaceous methane seeps: Novel perspectives from carbonate-associated sulfate, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (talk).
97. Miller, H., Asangba, A., Johannessen, K., Wang, D., Petryshyn, V., Tripati, A., Wagner, M., Torres, M., Frantz, C., Shapiro, R., Corsetti, F., 2013, Clumped Isotopes, trace elements, and d18O of stromatolites from the Laney Member of the Green River Formation (Eocene): Implications for paleoenvironments and paleoclimate during the Eocene Climatic Optimum, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
98. Eagle, R. (invited), Fulgencio, A., Mering, J., Risi, C., Mitchell, J., Li, G., Seibt, U., Neelin, J., Tripati, A., 2013, Constraining Glacial to Recent climate shifts over continental China from clumped isotope measurements on terrestrial carbonates from the Loess Plateau, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (talk).
99. Tang, J., Rosenheim, B., Dietzel, M., Fernandez, A., Tripati, A., 2013, Evaluation of kinetic effects on clumped isotope fractionation (D47) during inorganic calcite precipitation, Goldschmidt Conference (poster).
100. Corsetti, F., Anderson, R., Bird, J., Meneske, M., Stefurak, E., Petryshyn, V., Tripati, A., Stamps, B., Stevenson, B., Spear, J.: Ooid formation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, 2013, Insights from clumped isotope paleothermometry and 16S rRNA analyses, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (poster).
101. Anderson, R., Bird, J., Meneske, M., Stefurak, E., Berelson, W., Petryshyn, V., Shapiro, R., Sessions, A., Tripati, A., Corsetti, F., 2013, Ooid formation in the Great Salt Lake, Utah: Insights from clumped isotope paleothermometry, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (poster).
102. Tripati, A., Hill, P., 2014, In search of processes driving clumped isotope (dis)equilibrium, Goldschmidt Conference (poster).
103. Panter, K., Antibus, J., Wilch, T., Dunbar, N., McIntosh, W., Tripati, A., Bindeman, I., Blusztajn, A., 2014, Alteration of volcaniclastic deposits: Geochemical insights on mineralizing environment and climate during the Late Miocene in Antarctica, Goldschmidt Conference.
104. Gammeriello, R., Ibarra, Y., Pietsch, C., Petryshyn, V., Tripati, A., 2014, The role of climate change in mass extinctions: Using stromatolites to constrain temperatures during times of biotic crisis, Southern California Geobiology Conference (poster).
105. Gammeriello, R., Ibarra, Y., Pietsch, C., Petryshyn, V., Tripati, A., 2014, The role of climate change in mass extinctions: Using stromatolites to constrain temperatures during times of biotic crisis, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day (poster).
106. Flores, S., Eagle, R., Retallack, G., Tripati, A., 2014, Determining Temperatures Associated With the Evolution of Metazoan Life by Applying 'Clumped' Isotope Thermometry To Precambrian and Cambrian Soil Nodules From South Australia To Screen For Diagenesis, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day (poster).
107. Mahajan, A., Tripati, A., 2014, The effects of relative humidity on tropical lake temperatures, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day (poster).
108. Henry, D., Tang, J., Mosenfelder, J., Eagle, R. Tripati, A., 2014, Determination of Mineral-Specific Clumped Isotope Acid Digestion Fractionation Factors Using Heating Experiments and Mass Spectrometry, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day (poster).
109. Vollmer, T., Cheah, Y., Brand, U., Eagle, R. Tripati, A., 2014, Paleozoic temperatures from trilobites and brachiopods, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day (poster).
110. Tripati, A., Hill, P., Tang, J., Kimball, J., Hunt, J., Watkins, J., Radha, A., Henry, D., Boettger, J., Ryerson, R., Gilbert, P., Killian, C., Navrotsky, A., DePaolo, D., Eagle, R., Schauble, E., Defliese, W., Mosenfelder, J., Loyd, S., 2014, In search of processes driving observed clumped isotope fractionations in geoscience systems: New insights from data and theory, 4th annual international workshop on clumped isotopes (talk).
111. Mering, J., Oviatt, C., Canet, J., Petryshyn, V., Mitsunaga, B., Tripati, A., 2014, Analysis of regional hydroclimate in the Great Basin during the LGM from clumped isotope measurements at Lake Bonneville, 4th annual international workshop on clumped isotopes (poster).
112. Mitsunaga, B., Mering, J., Petryshyn, V., Dunbar, R., Cohen, A., Liu, X., Kaufman, D., Eagle, R., Tripati, A., 2014, A clumped isotope calibration for lacustrine carbonates, 4th annual international workshop on clumped isotopes (poster).
113. Kimball, J., Eagle, R., Dunbar, R., Tripati, A., 2014, 13C-18O bond abundances in aragonitic and calcitic deep-sea corals: a calibration and mineralogical study, 4th annual international workshop on clumped isotopes (poster).
114. Kowler, A., Tripati, A., 2014, Paleotemperature reconstructions from Deglacial age carbonates in fossil shoreline and wetland deposits in southeastern Arizona, 4th annual international workshop on clumped isotopes (poster).
115. Eagle, R., Eiler, J., Tripati, A., 2014, Empirical observations regarding the influence on measured D47 values of acid digestion temperature, technique, and mineralogy, 4th annual international workshop on clumped isotopes (poster).
116. Agic, H., Ward, L., Juarez Rivera, M., Kerrigan, Z., Petryshyn, V., Corsetti, F., Tripati, A., 2014, Lateral growth of late Pleistocene stromatolites from Walker Lake (Nevada) and proxy constraints on environmental change, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
117. Petryshyn, V., Gammariello, R., Ibarra, Y., Greene, S., Corsetti, F., Bottjer, D., Tripati, A., 2014, Carbonate clumped isotope determination of seawater temperature and d18O during the end-Triassic extinction event, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
118. Petryshyn, V., Gammariello, R., Ibarra, Y., Greene, S., Corsetti, F., Bottjer, D., Tripati, A., 2014, Carbonate clumped isotope determination of seawater temperature and d18O during the end-Triassic extinction event, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
119. Mitsunaga, B., Mering, J., Petryshyn, V., Dunbar, R., Cohen, A., Liu, X., Kaufman, D., Eagle, R., Tripati, A., 2014, A clumped isotope calibration for lacustrine carbonates, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
120. Kowler, A., Tripati, A., 2014, Quantifying regional temperature responses to glacial and deglacial climate forcings through application of clumped isotope thermometry to shell and sedimentary carbonates in lake-shoreline and wetland deposits in the Southern Basin and Range, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.
121. Henry, D., Tang, J., Mosenfelder, J., Eagle, R., Tripati, A., 2014, Determination of Mineral-Specific Clumped Isotope Acid Digestion Fractionation Factors Using Heating Experiments and Mass Spectrometry, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
122. Mitsunaga, B., Mering, J., Petryshyn, V., Dunbar, R., Cohen, A., Liu, X., Kaufman, D., Eagle, R., Tripati, A., 2014, A clumped isotope calibration for lacustrine carbonates, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
123. Hunt, J., Watkins, J., Tripati, A., Ryerson, R., DePaolo, R., 2014, The influence of kinetic growth factors on the clumped isotope composition of calcite, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
124. Hill, P., Tripati, A., Schauble, E., 2014, Predictions of the effect of the presence of ions (Mg, Na, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
125. Geissler, W., Knies, J., Nielsen, T., Gaina, C., Matthiessen, J., Gebhardt, C., Damm, V., Forwick, M., Hjelstuen, B., Hopper, J., Husum, K., Laberg, J., Kuerschner, W., Morigi, C., Schreck, M., Tripati, A., Vogt, C., Rebesco, M., Nam, S., Carlson, A., De Schepper, S., Lucci, R., Mattingsdal, R., Jokat, W., Stein, R., 2014, The opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic, and Climate Dynamics – an IODP initiative, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
126. Geissler, W., Knies, J., Nielsen, T., Gaina, C., Matthiessen, J., Gebhardt, C., Damm, V., Forwick, M., Hjelstuen, B., Hopper, J., Husum, K., Laberg, J., Kuerschner, W., Morigi, C., Schreck, M., Tripati, A., Vogt, C., Rebesco, M., Nam, S., Carlson, A., De Schepper, S., Lucci, R., Mattingsdal, R., Jokat, W., Stein, R., 2014, The opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic, and Climate Dynamics – an IODP initiative, Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
127. Pourmorady, P., Priyadarshi, A., Tripati, A., 2015, Experimental constraints on ion-molecular isotopic exchange processes that influence CO2, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day.
128. Chou, L., Brown, A., Mering, J., Tripati, A., 2015, Using Clumped Isotope Thermometry to Infer Past Temperatures of Southern California, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day.
129. Vollmer, T., Perez-Huerta-A., Tripati, A., 2015, The 'Cool Tropics' Paradox: Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Clumped Isotope Methods on Foraminifera, UCLA Undergraduate Science Poster Day.
130. Eagle, R., Taviani, M., Riesselman, C., Tripati, A., SMS Science Team, 2015, Temperatures in the Ross Sea During the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum from Clumped Isotope Analyses of ANDRILL-2A carbonates, International Symposium for Antarctic Earth Sciences.
131. Lora, J., Mitchell, J. Risi, C., Tripati, A., 2015, Evaluating the role of the jet stream in the moisture budget of glacial western North America, American Meteorological Society.
132. Tripati, A., 2015, New Frontiers in the Study of Pleistocene-to-Modern Records of Climate Change, Kavli Korean-American Symposium.
133. Defiese W, Eagle R, Tang J, Chang F & Tripati A, 2015, Investigating the Origin of Discrepancies in Clumped Isotope Calibrations, Goldschmidt.
134. Rablen S, Afek H, Tripati A, Defiese W & Freedman P, 2015, Advances in 'Clumped Isotope' Measurement Techniques Using the Nu Perspective IS and Nu Carb Carbonate Preparation Unit, Goldschmidt.
135. Tripati A, Mering J, Petryshyn V, Mitsunaga B, Wilson J, Eagle R, Kaufman D, Cohen A, Dunbar R, Russell J & Oviatt C, 2015, Clumped Isotope Systematics in Lacustrine and Fluvial Carbonates: A Tool for Paleohydrology, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Paleoaltimetry, Goldschmidt.
136. Mering, J., Lora, J., Jonsson, A., Petryshyn, V., Wilson, J., Brown, A., Chou, L., Jayko, A., Miller, D., Maher, K., Ibarra, D., Eagle, R., Risi, C., Kowler, A., Mitchell, J., Tripati, A., 2015, What has driven the long-term drying of the Southwest: precipitation or evaporation? A paleohydrologic study at multiple lake basins in California, PACLIM.
137. Tripati, A., 2015, Emerging proxies in paleoceanography, PaleoOcean 2015.