Tripati Lab
Climate & Carbon Cycle Group
Lab news!
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John Mering and Stephanie Darling are submitting their theses!
Lab alum Vanessa Brillo has just finished her M.Sc. degree, and has also gotten engaged! Lab alum Chris Roberts and his wife Andrea Walko are expecting a baby! Congratulations!
Horton, Defliese, Tripati, and Oze manuscript on stable isotopes (including clumped isotopes!) in lacustrine carbonates accepted at Quaternary Science Reviews!
Abbott, Haley, Tripati, and Frank manuscript on ocean circulation at the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum accepted at Climate of the Past Discussions!
Aradhna Tripati featured for research and outreach activities on the Earth Science Women's Network “Spotlight”!
Tripati et al. clumped systematics manuscript accepted at GCA!
Aradhna Tripati is named a Kavli Fellow by the National Academy of Sciences. She chairs a session on Pleistocene to Modern Records of Climate Change at the Korean-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium. Annually 80 young scientists are selected who have already made recognized contributions to science, such as recipients of Sloan, Packard, and MacArthur fellowships, winners of the Waterman award, Beckman Young Investigators, and the Presidential Early Career Awardfor Scientists and Engineers. They bring us together for symposia to learn about each other's research. Since its inception, 136 program"alumni" have been elected to the NAS and eight have won Nobel Prizes.
Dalinana, Petryshyn, Lim, Petryshyn, Braverman, and Tripati manuscript on controls on microbialite distribution accepted at Biogeosciences Discussions!
Great group of undergrads from Santa Monica College did research projects using clumped isotopes with Cara Thompson and Tripati Lab members Antra Priyadarshi, Ben Elliott, John Mering, Ryan Dill, Will Defliese, Juan Lora, Tyler Vollmer, and our terrific undergrads at UCLA this term!
Postdoc Will Defliese has learned he has received a GDL postdoc fellowship!
Juan Lora has just learned he has been awarded a NSF postdoc fellowship to work with Aradhna Tripati and Jonathan Mitchell!
Lab alum Kazumi Nakamura has passed his Ph.D. defense at the Colorado School of Mines!
Grad student John Mering is also a triathelete - and ranks 8th in Nationals!
Loyd et al. manuscript on Wonoka-Shuram anomaly accepted at Precambrian Research!
Aradhna Tripati featured in AGUniverse who made a video on her workshop to promote diversity in the geosciences and circulated it to AGU members!
Lab alum Kevin Supakkul is heading to Stanford for his undergraduate. Congratulations to lab alums Jecca Canet, Ryan Dill, and Drew Henry (former undergrads) who have just gotten in to graduate programs and are heading to the University of Washington, CU Boulder, and USC, respectively.
Lab alum Chris Robert has published an important paper in Nature Climate Change:
Ben Elliott has rejoined the Tripati Lab after completing a fellowship at JPL, and Andrew Kowler is about to begin his postdoc fellowshi!
Aradhna Tripati participates in success in science workshop run by UCLA Life Sciences and Physical Sciences to promote diversity in STEM majors.
Aradhna Tripati gives a keynote lecture at the PaleoOcean meeting on emerging proxies in paleoceanography.
Graduate student Fei Shang visits the Tripati Lab!
We hold a workshop on career development for women and minority early career scientists at the fall AGU meeting.
Aradhna Tripati receives the E.O. Wilson Award for her work on the role of CO2 in climate change!
Undergrads Jamie Dix and Ryan Dill have spent the summer working with postdoc Whitney Doss to make trace element measurements in Boulder at INSTAAR!
Lab assistant Kristina Wilson has successfully defended her Ph.D. at the University of Rochester! Very proud of you!
High school students Ben Tran and Kevin Sepukkal have joined the lab for the summer!
Atreyee Bhattachrya has just joined the lab! Her primary advisor is Rob Eagle.
Visiting graduate student Justine Kimball just defended her Ph.D. at Stanford! She is joining the group in September!
Visiting graduate student Andrew Kowler just learned he has received a NSF postdoctoral fellowship to formally join the Tripati Lab!
Undergraduates Angel Fulgencio, Drew Henry, and Steve Flores have just graduated from UCLA!
Angel Fulgencio and Sam Praskin went to Catalina Island with students from Markham Middle School.
Lab alum Brittany Miles has received a competitive summer internship at NASA Goddard. We're proud of you!
Aradhna Tripati receives a CAREER award from NSF!!
Lab alum Caroline Dawber and Kevin McMullan have just had a baby girl named Ciara!
Rosaleen Gilmore has submitted her graduate thesis!
North Hollywood High School students Zach Lipel, Richard Wang, and Micky Kalin have started research projects in the Tripati Lab!!!
An awesome end-of-year dinner at Jitlada Thai celebrating Sean’s faculty position, the upcoming graduation of Tanya Conchas, and the wonderful additions to the lab including (but not limited to) Samantha Praskin, Justine Kimball, and Fengming Chang!!!
Aradhna Tripati is a 2012-2013 Vasa Cube award winner for her contributions to the UCLA Fiat Lux Freshman Seminar Progam! She also was honored at the Hellman Fellows luncheon!
Students from Central High School visit the Tripati labs, get a tour of the ESS department, and discuss careers in science on a visit arranged by Aradhna Tripati, LAUSD teacher James Hazen, United American Indian Involvement, Inc., and UCLA’s American Indian Program. We had a great visit!!!
Aradhna Tripati returns from a four-day field trip with her ESS 133 class to look at the geological history of the Great Valley Group and the Sierra Nevadas. Highlights included the gorgeous glaciological features of Yosemite Valley and imagining a massive submarine fan coming off of the Mesozoic volcanic arc!
Graduate students Stephanie Darling (LAUSD teacher - John Wooden High School and CSULA M.Sc. student) and John Mering (UCLA) are heading to the Midwestern US to do some field work and collect samples for their theses!!
Aradhna Tripati gives a keynote lecture on Cenozoic polar climate evolution at the Kongsberg Conference!
Postdoctoral researcher Victoria Petryshyn returns from a 3-day geoscience outreach trip with students from the Math and Science club at Markham Middle School! They went to Catalina Island!
Graduate student Justine Kimball will be joining our group as a postdoc this autumn!
Graduate student John Mering has received a small grant from the Geological Society of America to study paleoclimate using records from Lake Bonneville!
Postdoctoral researcher Victoria Petryshyn and graduate student Ruslana Dalinina have completed drafting two manuscripts on microbialites.
Congratulations to Lab Alum Vanessa Brillo who has just been accepted to the graduate program at UCSB!!! Well done!!!
Our paper on the climate of central China during the last ice age is in press at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences!
PI Aradhna Tripati and postdoctoral researcher Pamela Hill have submitted two manuscripts on the systematics governing clumped in dissolved inorganic carbon species.
Congratulations to postdoctoral researcher Sean Loyd for getting a tenure-track faculty position at California State University, Fullerton and to Jeanine Ash for receiving a NSF graduate fellowship!
Welcome Dr. Fengming Chang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who has received a visiting fellowship to join our group for a year!
Several new undergraduates have also joined the lab. Samantha Praskin, Angel Fulgencio, Mariam Sahakyan, Akshat Mahajan, and Christopher Spencer. Welcome!
Graduate student Trung Nguyen has just completed his M.Sc. looking at proxies for the major cationic composition of seawater!
Hurrah! Graduate student John Mering has been awarded a small grant from the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability to study the paleoclimate history of the Mojave Desert!
Lab high school alums Suna Zekioglu and Lily Zhou have just been accepted to the University of Cambridge and MIT, as well as Caltech!
A lot of congrats are in order to lab alums! Yannick Bahe and his wife have just had a baby. Jan Tolzmann has successfully defended his Ph.D. at the University of Mainz. Oli Shorttle has finished his Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge and was awarded a Junior Research Fellowship at Trinity College. Lavaniya Thanabalasundarum has finished her M.Sc. at the University of Bath and is starting a research assistantship in a prestigious lab at Kings College. Ben Elliott has begun his NASA postdoctoral fellowship at JPL. Gurpreet Kaur has finished her B.Sc. at UCLA. Wu Sun has begun a Ph.D. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UCLA.
Stanford graduate student and NSF fellow Justine Kimball is visiting our lab!!
Graduate student Ruslana Dalinana has just completed her M.Sc. using clustering analysis to examine controls on microbialite distribution! Lab assistant Kristina Wilson has also joined the lab!
Graduate student Dustin Pittman has just completed his M.Sc. looking at the paleoclimate of the warm pool at the Last Glacial Maximum using climate models!
Graduate student John Mering has come back from doing field work in Utah sampling lake deposits from the Last Glacial Maximum with Jack Oviatt!
Graduate student Jeanine Ash has come back from doing field work in central China sampling loess deposits with Gaojun Li!
Wonderful lab alum Caroline Dawber has just gotten married to Kevin McMullan!!