Tripati Lab
Aradhna Tripati's CV

B.Sc. Geology, California State University, Los Angeles (1996)
Distinctions: Began university full-time at age 12; recipient of 1996 Aaron Waters Award (recognizes the outstanding senior in the Earth Sciences department; Dean’s List)
Ph.D. Earth Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz (2002)
Distinction: 1999 Aaron Waters Award (best dissertation proposal in department)
History of employment
Assistant Professor, UCLA (2010-present; Joint appointments: Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Department, Earth & Space Sciences Department, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Institute of Environment and Sustainability; California Nanosystems Institute
Assistant Professor, UCLA (2009-2010; 0% appointment)
Visiting Scientist, California Institute of Technology (2007-2012); Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Cambridge (2002-2009); Department of Earth Sciences
Additional Appointments
Visiting Professor, University of Brest (2015-present)
Visiting Full Professor, Natural History Museum, University of Copenhagen (2014-present)
Research Fellowships
Hellman Fellowship (2012-2013)
UK National Environmental Research Council (NERC) Fellowship (2006-2010)
Thomas Nevile Fellowship in Natural Sciences, Magdalene College, Univ. Cambridge (2006-2010)
Comer Abrupt Climate Change Fellowship (2003-2005)
Marshall Sherfield Postdoctoral Fellowship (2002-2003)
Schlanger Ocean Drilling Program Graduate Fellowship (2000)
Selected Honors/Awards
US National Academy of Sciences Kavli Fellow (2015)
Chair International D'Excellence in Stable Isotopes and Biogeochemistry, LabexMER, European Institute of Marine Sciences (2015-present)
E. O. Wilson Award for Outstanding Science - on the role of carbon dioxide in climate change (2014)
NSF CAREER Award (2014-2018)
Vasa Cube Awardee for UCLA’s Fiat Lux Freshman Seminar program (2013)
UCLA Career Development Award (2012)
NSF ADVANCE Award Lecture (Univ. Ariz., 2009)
Wolfson College Visiting Fellowship, Univ. Cambridge (2002-2004)
Gates Millennium Scholarship (2000-2002)
Gretchen L. Blechschmidt Award from Geological Society of America (2000)
UC Regents Fellowship (1996-1997)
University Early Entrance Program (1992-1994)
Students and postdoctoral scientists who have received fellowships to work with me
Dr. Juan Lora - NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr. Andrew Kowler - NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr. Will Defliese - GDL Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr. Sean Loyd - Agouron Geobiology Fellowship
Dr. Yama Dixit - LabexMER Fellow
Jeanine Ash - NSF Graduate Fellowship
Tanya Conchas - CARE Undergraduate Fellowship
Robert Gammarielo Jr. - NASA PDS Fellow
Akshat Mahajan - NASA PDS Fellow
Christopher Roberts - NERC Studentship
Caroline Dawber - NERC Studentship
International programs
Member of Antarctic Geologic Drilling Project Team (South McMurdo Sound; Shore-based)
Proponent of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Proposal (Arctic Ocean)
Cooperating Scientist in ICDP Hominid Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project
Member of Paleoclimate Model Intercomparison Project (PMIP) working group–Past to Future
Service to the community
Committee work, advisory boards, and other professional service
Co-organizer, 2017 Korean-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (2015-2017)
Session Chair, 2015 Korean-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (2015)
American Geophysical Union Fall 2015 Meeting clumped isotope session convenor (2015)
Goldschmidt clumped isotope session convenor (2015)
Member, Scientific Committee, 2014 Clumped isotope workshop at ETHZ (2014)
American Geophysical Union Fall 2014 Meeting clumped isotope session convenor (2014)
American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting clumped isotope session convenor (2013)
Goldschmidt Theme Team Member (co-organizing Climate Change: Past, Present, Future) (2014)
Goldschmidt Cenozoic paleoclimate session convenor (2014)
American Geophysical Union 2002 oral session co-chair (2002)
Geological Society of America 2000 oral session co-chair (2000)
Panelist for multiple programs: NSF, NSF/NDSEG/SMART Graduate Fellowships
Ad hoc reviewer for multiple programs: NSF (Chemical Oceanography; Arctic Natural Sciences; Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change, Marine Geology & Geophysics; Geobiology and Low-temperature geochemistry; Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology; Instrumentation and Facilities), Department of Energy, NERC (UK), NWL (Netherlands), UCLA Faculty Research Grants
Reviewed manuscripts for: Geology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Paleoceanography, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Biogeosciences, Climate of the Past, Marine Micropaleontology, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.
University Service
Co-developed Santa Monica College research methods course and engaged 18 SMC undergraduates in three weeks of research in my laboratory with my group (2015)
Faculty advisory committee, Leaders in Sustainability graduate certificate program, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (2015)
Success in Science Workshop participant - to promote retention of diverse undergraduates in STEM (2015)
Faculty search committee for Geologist (2015)
Library Prize for Undergraduate Research Committee (2015)
NSF-AGEP CA Faculty Advisory Committee (2014-present)
Departmental outreach committee (2014-present)
Faculty Leader for the SMC/UCLA Science and Research Initiative - Aims to increase the number of low-income community college students that transfer to a baccalaureate program in a STEM field (2013- 2014)
Departmental liaison for programs involving minors (2012-present)
EPSS Departmental Scribe (Winter-Spring 2011, Spring 2012)
Ad hoc committee member for personnel actions (2010-present)
EPSS Faculty Relations Committee (2010-2012)
IGPP Fellowship Committee (2010-2011)
Public outreach
Answered questions pertaining to climate change and ocean acidification on 16 occasions as service, including for Union of Concerned Scientists; wrote technical comment on ocean acidification for NOAA and Center for Biological Diversity.
Created exhibits for UCLA's annual Exploring your Universe Day
Cambridge Science Festival lecture on paleoclimate to the public
Women in Philanthropy at UCLA: Panelist on Thriving in a Hotter Los Angeles.
Career development
Funding and organizing a career development workshop at AGU 2014 for Women and Minorities
Led grant and fellowship proposal writing workshop - UCLA graduate students, postdocs, SACNAS
K-12 outreach
Work with high school students and teachers on research projects
Organized hands-on science experiments at two family shelters
Science fair judge for American Geological Institute at Intel Science Fair
Co-taught “Geoscience fundamentals in the Field” – Three week course for middle and high school science teachers
Implemented an annual GE oceanography student science communication project to create videos for K-12 science educators
Developed lesson plan for secondary school students on “Fossils and climate change” focused on understanding the climate history of Antarctica and Nebraska for the past 160 million
Outreach to promote diversity
Funded and organizing a career development workshop at AGU 2014 for Women and Minorities
Faculty lead for program to increase transfer students from community colleges to UCLA
Mentor for Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Education Degrees in Earth System Science
Created ACCESS program as a pipeline for recruiting bright undergraduates from diverse backgrounds at UCLA and other universities to graduate programs in geoscience
Hands-on geoscience demonstrations to Native American students at Central High School, Los Angeles, and minority 6th-8th grade students at Markham Middle School, Watts.
Educational Activities
Taught at UCLA: General Education course (ESS 15) Introduction to Oceanography, a freshman seminar (Fiat Lux; ESS 19) Rock whispering: A storytelling of the geochemical record of extreme climates, an upper-division course for majors (ESS 133) Historical and Regional Geology; an introductory graduate course (ESS 252) Geochemical Proxies in Paleoclimatology and Geobiology; an advanced graduate course (ESS 298) Advanced Topics in Geochemistry; a seminar Undergraduate Journal Club Seminar; a course on Fracking
Short course on clumped isotope geochemistry (2015, University of Brest)
Recruited and worked with high school, undergraduate, and graduate students on research projects (2006-present; undergraduate and graduate students register for units as appropriate)
Instructor, Agouron International Geobiology Summer Course for graduate students (2010-2011, 2014)
Lectured on Antarctic paleoclimate for the Students on Ice program, which brings university students to the region in an effort to not only teach them about polar science (2011)
Taught 'Introduction to the hydrosphere' course at University of Cambridge (enrollment ~150 students in their 2nd year from Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, and Biology) (2004)
Outreach activities
Goldschmidt Geochemistry Society Mentor (2014) to two graduate students (Jess Hinojosa and Luz Ramirez)
Awards judge at L.A. Basin Earth and Planetary Student Research Symposium (2014, 2011)
Faculty Leader for the SMC/UCLA Science and Research Initiative - Aims to increase the number of low-income community college students that transfer to a baccalaureate program in a STEM field (2013-present)
Interviewed by Xinhua News Agency on climate change (2012-2013)
Worked with foster students and students in shelters through Haven House (2012)
Co-developed first university Mindshare public outreach event for the Division of Physical Sciences at UCLA with Douglas Campbell, the co-founder of Mindshare. This was a geoscience cafe (think TedX meets art festival) that featured a series of talks by departmental faculty and exhibits by members of our department, as well as art installations. 200-300 people attended the event, and several thousand people watched the event online (2012)
Organized workshops and given talks on applying for graduate and postdoctoral fellowships (2011-present)
Developed an Oceanography Student Film Festival as part of a course to non-geoscience students that I teach. Students have to submit science communication projects. Winning videos are online and are circulated to K-12 science educators through my class youtube channel. One student video has over 17,000 hits! (2011-present)
Designed multiple exhibits and presented them with members of research group for UCLA's Annual Physical Sciences Outreach Day (2011-present)
Science fair judge for American Geological Institute at Intel Science Fair (2011)
Developed concept map to communicate how geological data are used to study climate processes and national climate literacy principles to high school students as a faculty participant in COSEE workshop; taught group of four graduate student participants how to do the same (2011)
Interviewed by Fiji TV for US State Dept.-supported documentary on climate change (2011)
Gave seminar at workshop on academic research and applying to graduate school to undergraduates in ACCESS program at Loyola Marymount University (2010)
Interviewed by New Scientist on research and climate change issues (2010)
Co-taught Geoscience fundamentals in the Field – Three week field course focused on Scientific principles, practices, and pedagogy illustrated through geological field work in Nebraska and Wyoming for middle and high school science teachers (2010)
Developed lesson plan for secondary school students on Fossils and climate change focused on understanding the climate history of Antarctica and Nebraska for the past 160 million years using the fossil record, and taught lesson at Lexington Middle School (2010)
Grant and proposal writing workshop - Association of Black Women in Higher Education (2009)
Comenius lectures - to business people on climate change (2006-2009)
Interviewed by Time Magazine on research and climate change issues (2009)
Interviewed by Scientific American on research and climate change issues (2009)
Interviewed by BBC on research and climate change issues (2009)
Interviewed by Columbian National Public Radio on research and climate change issues (2009)
Research on new isotopic technique featured on Discovery Channel website (2009)
Cambridge Science Festival lecture (2008)
I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here! Participant (2008 – won third place!)
EPSRC 'NOISE' role model and MentorSET participant (2004-2008)
Royal Society of Chemistry: What Chemistry has done for me (2007)
Advised BBC Program Blue Peter for episode “Green Peter” on climate change (2007)
Interviewed by Cambridge Evening News (2004, 2006)
Interviewed by Spectrum and Mint (2004)
Science/Climate science communication training
Science communication workshop for Santa Monica College students (2014)
Communicating Science in a Challenging Media Environment – Union of Concerned Scientists (2011)
Communicating Science – Kavli-CNSI (2011)
Making a concept map to communicate – COSEE (2011)
Using discovery-based learning techniques to stimulate critical thinking – Dave Harwood (2010)
Keynote talks
2016 Keynote lecture, Magellan workshop - Inter-disciplinary exposition on scientific drilling of Cenozoic Greenland margins (ICECREEM): Evidence for early development of a Greenland ice sheet and circum-Arctic sea ice
2015 Keynote lecture, PaleoOcean: Emerging proxies in paleoceanography
2014 Keynote talk, Clumped isotope workshop (ETHZ): In search of processes driving observed clumped-isotope fractionations in geoscience systems: New insights from data and theory
2013 Keynote lecture, Kongsberg Seminar (University of Oslo): Cenozoic polar climates
Invited talks - universities and research institutes (accepted invitations)
2015 Georgia Institute of Technology: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
University of Southern California: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
CNRS (Laboratory Domaine Oceanique): Stable isotope geochemistry and paleoceanography
IFREMER: Stable isotope geochemistry and paleoceanography
European Institute for Marine Sciences: Stable isotope geochemistry and paleoceanography
2014 Rice University: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: New insights into paleoclimate from emerging proxies
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
UCLA: Clumped isotope geochemistry and glacial climate
European Institute for Marine Sciences: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
2013 University of Copenhagen: Clumped isotope geochemistry and applications to sedimentary geology
University of California, Riverside: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
Royal Holloway - University of London: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
University of Virginia: Glacial climate and clumped isotope thermometry
University of Virginia: Ocean pH and carbon dioxide levels from the chemistry of foraminifera
Southern Methodist University: Glacial climate from clumped isotope thermometry
University of Tennessee, Knoxville: Glacial climate from clumped isotope thermometry
California State University, Northridge: Glacial climate from clumped isotope thermometry
2012 University of Edinburgh: Clumped isotope geochemistry and paleoclimate
Center for Applied Statistics, UCLA: Other worlds: Geosciences problems in paleoclimate, biogeochemistry, and astrobiology that would benefit from the application of statistics
Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA: Insights into glacial climate from a novel geochemical method
University of Wisconsin, Madison: Recent developments in clumped isotope geochemistry and glacial climate
University of Southern California: Recent developments in clumped isotope geochemistry
United States Geological Survey Stable Isotope Laboratory: Recent developments in clumped isotope geochemistry
2011 University of California, Berkeley: Clumped isotope geochemistry and glacial climate
University of California, Santa Barbara: Reconstructing glacial climate using clumped isotope thermometry
Cornell University: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation from 44 to 30 million years ago
Cornell University: Reconstructing glacial climate using clumped isotope thermometry
University of California, Los Angeles: Ocean pH and carbon dioxide levels from the chemistry of foraminifera
2010 Institute for Marine Research, CNR: New constraints on ocean acidification and temperature in the past from two novel geochemical proxies: foraminiferal B/Ca ratios and clumped isotope thermometry
2009 Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Clumped isotope thermometry in Holocene and Glacial foraminifera and coccoliths from the tropical Pacific Ocean
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Ocean pH and carbon dioxide levels from the chemistry of foraminifera
Scripps Institute of Oceanography: Ocean pH and carbon dioxide levels from the chemistry of foraminifera
University of Arizona: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for glacial ice in both hemispheres from ~44-30 Ma
University of Southern California: Holocene and Glacial temperatures in the West Pacific Warm Pool from 13C-18O bond abundance in foraminifera and coccoliths
University of Southern California: Ocean pH and carbon dioxide levels from the chemistry of foraminifera
2008 Carnegie Institution, Department of Global Ecology: Using the geologic record to probe climate-carbon cycle interactions
University of California, Los Angeles: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation from 44 to 30 million years ago
University of California, Irvine: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation from 44 to 30 million years ago
University of Southern California: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation from 44 to 30 million years ago
University of Birmingham: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for glacial ice in the Northern Hemisphere ~44-30 Ma
2007 California Institute of Technology: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation 44 to 30 million years ago
University of Cambridge: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation from 44 to 30 million years ago
Imperial College: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation from 44 to 30 million years ago
Rutgers University: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for bipolar glaciation from 44 to 30 million years ago
GEOMAR/Univ. Kiel: Discovering ice on a “greenhouse” planet: Evidence for glacial ice in the Northern Hemisphere ~44-30 Ma
2006 University College, London: Evidence for bipolar glaciation during the Eocene epoch (~40 Ma)
2005 University of Stockholm: Climatic consequences of rapid carbon addition to the atmosphereat the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary
University of Stockholm: Evidence for early bipolar glaciation (~42 Ma) associated with global carbon cycle changes
University of Cambridge: Evidence for early bipolar glaciation (~42 Ma) associated with global carbon cycle changes
2004 University of Cambridge: Marine paleoenvironments: New insights from the geochemistry of fossil shells
2003 University of Cambridge: Environmental change across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary
2002 Stanford University: Oxygen isotope systematics
Texas A&M University: Early Paleogene marine paleoenvironments: New insights from the geochemistry of fossil shells
Invited talks – conferences and workshops (accepted invitations)
2015 Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium: New Frontiers in the Study of Pleistocene to Modern Records of Climate Change
2014 DOE PI Meeting (Geoscience Models - Where are the rocks?): In search of processes driving observed clumped-isotope (dis)equilibrium in geoscience systems: New insights from data and theory
2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic
Critical transitions workshop (NSF – CNNSF, China): Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry: applications to sedimentary geology
2011 Royal Society – Kavli workshop on the carbon cycle (UK): Planktic foraminiferal B/Ca ratios
2010 Carbonate diagenesis conference (China): Carbonate clumped isotope thermometry: Principles and applications
2009 Chapman Conference on Abrupt Climate Change (Ohio State University): Holocene and Glacial temperatures in the West Pacific Warm Pool from 13C-18O bond abundance in foraminifera and coccoliths
2007 European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting: Early Cenozoic glacial history: Insights from Pacific records of seawater d18O
International Symposium on Antarctica in the Earth Sciences: Evidence for glacial ice on Antarctica and the Northern Hemisphere during the Eocene and Oligocene: Insights from Pacific records of seawater d18O
2006 European Geosciences Union Annual Meeting: New results from ODP and IODP on the greenhouse-icehouse transition
Ocean Drilling Program deciphering sea level change workshop: New evidence for Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle changes
2005 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: Constraints on Paleocene and Eocene tropical sea-surface temperatures and meridional temperature gradients from Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope ratios of foraminifera from sediments recovered by the Ocean Drilling Program
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting: New results from ODP and IODP on the greenhouse-icehouse transition: Evidence for Eocene bipolar glaciation associated with global carbon cycle changes
Comer Annual Meeting (Columbia University): Relationships between rapid changes in climate and the carbon cycle
Invited posters – conferences and workshops (accepted invitations)
2016 Magellan workshop - Inter-disciplinary exposition on scientific drilling of Cenozoic Greenland margins (ICECREEM): Neogene to Quaternary proxy records of past pCO2 levels
Invited talks - public (accepted invitations)
2009 Comenius Lecture (St. John's College, Cambridge, UK): Climatic consequences of rapid carbon addition to the atmosphere: Past, present, and future (given twice in the year)
2008 Comenius Lecture (St. John's College, Cambridge, UK): Climatic consequences of rapid carbon addition to the atmosphere: Past, present, and future
2008 Leverhulme Climate Symposium/Cambridge Science Festival (Cambridge, UK): Hidden in Rock, Frozen in Time
2007 Comenius Lecture (St. John's College, Cambridge, UK): Climatic consequences of rapid carbon addition to the atmosphere: Past, present, and future (given twice in the year)
2006 CSULA Annual Banquet (USA): Climatic consequences of rapid carbon addition to the atmosphere: Past, present, and future
2006 Comenius Lecture (St. John's College, Cambridge UK): Climatic consequences of rapid carbon addition to the atmosphere: Past, present, and future (given twice in the year)